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Redirectional Therapy serves as the basis for AFY’s five core programs. They are designed to prevent violence and increase youth’s educational achievement. AFY’s programs aim not only to instill positive attitudes and behaviors among our youth, but also to create safer schools and peaceful communities. Brief descriptions of AFY’s programs are provided on the links to the left.


Improving school retention and academic performance through individual and group counseling.


Redirecting youth gangs and friendship groups from destructive behaviors to constructive lives through weekly group and individual counseling.


A diversion program in partnership with the Honolulu Police Department that targets youth who commit status offenses to prevent them from entering the Juvenile Justice System.

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Outreaching to truant/chronically absent youth and improving academic performance through educational services.


PEARL Student Anti-Bullying and Violence Convention (Promoting Peace Empathy Acceptance Respect Love) Addressing the issues of bullying and violence with elementary and middle school students.

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